Infosecurity Europe
3-5 June 2025
ExCeL London

Exhibitor Code of Conduct

Infosecurity Europe Code of Conduct Policy

As we want to ensure everyone has a great experience at Infosecurity Europe, we have put together some guiding principles for appropriate behaviour during our event. We ask that you help with this by familiarising yourselves with the policy below and ensuring you and your team are committed to the rules, which have been installed for your benefit. These measures are here to help you make the most of Infosecurity Europe.

Stand Staff

Your stand staff represent your company and values, so it is very important to ensure that they are friendly, briefed properly, and well versed on your products and services. We expect booth staff to be dressed in appropriate business attire and will not accept sexualised outfits or anything deemed offensive, inappropriate or provocative. We have made this decision based on feedback from visitors and our commitment to serving our industry in the best way possible.

Please also note that promotional activities, including handling out literature and lead generation, should take place only within the confines of your stand, not in the exhibition aisles. Anyone found to be handing out materials outside of the confines of their stand without permission from the exhibition organiser will be forced to permanently suspend this activity.

As 30% of our audience is ‘techie’, you must ensure you have tech people on your stand to explain the technical aspects of your products and answer in-depth questions. Our tech-hungry audience will love you for it, and it is often the techs that are the gatekeepers to the purchasing decision makers.

Stand design

Your stand should represent who you are as a business, your company values and what your objectives are. We advise you to choose an interactive stand design which is inspiring, educational and thought-provoking. Make sure you remember to clearly state the products/services you offer in your stand design – this way, if your staff are too busy to speak to a visitor, at least they will know if you offer the solution they are looking for and can come back later. If we find the design of your stand or anything you are displaying offensive or inappropriate we, as the exhibition organisers, have the right to insist that you permanently remove it.

Respect your neighbour and they will respect you

Many of our exhibitors do onsite presentations and promotions, which can be very loud at times, much to the annoyance of both visitors and neighbouring stands that cannot have conversations over the sound level. We ask that you kindly respect your neighbour, keep sound levels ‘within your property’ and turn speakers to face inwards into your stand. If a neighbouring company finds your presentation too loud or disruptive, please turn the volume down. If you plan on running formal presentations on your stand then consider providing headphones for your audience.

Harassment-free experience

We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free exhibition experience for everyone, regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion and origin. We will not tolerate the harassment of exhibition participants in any way. Anyone violating the rules below may be expelled from the exhibition at the discretion of the exhibition organiser.

Harassment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Offensive verbal comments related to gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, religion, or national origins
  • Sexual images displayed in public spaces
  • Intentional intimidation, stalking, or following
  • Harassing photos or videos
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwelcome sexual attention and comments
  • Advocating or encouraging any of the above behaviour.

If you notice any of the above-mentioned behaviour taking place at the event, or if someone has made you feel unsafe or unwelcome, please report it to the Organisers Office immediately (located on the First Floor above Gate B). Our management team will come and talk to you discreetly and will investigate the matter. We will then take any further action we deem appropriate that is within our control. We would also welcome exhibitors’ support in taking further steps against any staff that they have employed that have been found to be behaving inappropriately.

Thank you for your cooperation.

If you have any questions, please contact a member of the Infosecurity Team.

Interested in exhibiting?

Interested in exhibiting? Join us at Infosecurity Europe 2022 to showcase your products and services.

Contact us

If you have a question about the above information, or would like to speak to someone about exhibiting, get in touch with us today